Are You LinkedIn?

Create your own personal brand online and bring the world to your door.

What is LinkedIn?

SCP Academy on Linked In

With millions of members worldwide, LinkedIn is your online social media platform for building your professional network. Create your own professional identity, share insights, and connect with others in your field or with shared experiences through LinkedIn. Connect with your classmates, alumni, Veterans and Career Services via SCP Academy Linked In.

Does it cost to join?

LinkedIn offers a Basic (free) account as well as various upgraded Premium accounts. A Basic account is for anyone who wants to create and maintain a professional profile online. It will allow you to build your professional identity on the web: add your expertise, education, experience and interests, connect with others, and much more.

Premium Accounts (with fees) are options available for job seekers, sales and talent professionals. Whether or not it is worth it to have a paid account depends on your personal circumstances.

How do I get started in completing my profile?

To join LinkedIn and create your profile: