SaaS, PaaS, And IaaS: What are the differences?

SaaS, PaaS, And IaaS: What are the differences?
The cloud computing is something that businesses around the world are investing heavily due to the flexibility that provides. There are three different options for them and here’s the differences between them:
Saas: Software As A Service
Examples of SaaS: Google Drive, Dropbox
SaaS applications are also known as Web-based software, on-demand software and hosted software, so most services they provide are done so through a web browser. They’re hosted on a remote server, and the users aren’t responsible for hardware or software updates.
These are the most common cloud services you’ll come across. Small businesses especially use them as they’re simple to sign up with and are easy to use. However, they do offer minimal options for customization, which more established businesses may not want.
PaaS: Platform As A Service
Examples of PaaS: Aws Elastic, Windows Azure
PaaS is used mainly for applications, as it gives businesses more flexibility in how they use it. The servers, storage and other management is done by a remote service, while applications are developed by the user to match their needs. The benefit of this is that applications can be created, without the worry of software updates or storage.
Businesses often choose PaaS as it’s scalable and works with them to create what they need. It offers them a lot of flexibility, but there are some security concerns when creating your own software over a PaaS service.
IaaS: Infrastructure As A Service
Examples of IaaS: Microsoft Azure, Digital Ocean, Amazon Web Services
Finally, there’s IaaS, which is the most involved service out of all these listed. IaaS gives the user full control over the entire cloud infrastructure. That means they have a dashboard, where they will see servers, operating systems, storage, and more. Unlike SaaS and PaaS, they’re responsible for managing all these things, but without having to provide the servers and operating systems themselves.
This is most likely where a business will need an expert like yourself to handle the running of the cloud. You’d be responsible for the day to day running of the service, as well as creating new platforms and apps as needed.
Due to this fast growing and flexible options there is a huge shortage for ICT skills in Europe and ICT is listed as one of the top five skill shortage occupations. The need for IT professionals who that know how to set up, manage, and maintain these services is critical.